Changing from Candles to Melts.. & The Best Ones!

For a good 3-4 years now I have had a somewhat unhealthy obsession with candles... seriously check out my monthly empties, there is always loads I have used up each month.

But recently I have found myself looking for something more... then I came across the burner ...

Typically they come in all shapes and sizes, the one you buy really doesn't matter, I personally would go for one by a good brand though... simply because it is going to be plugged in, and cannot risk overheating... bigger brands will put more money into ensuring they are safe.. well that's my thoughts!

Mine is a Scentsy one. This is why I have debated for a month or so on doing this post... simply because it is a brand that is a complete pain in the arse to get your hands on...

Scentsy is a US brand which works through consultants, to buy from them you need to know someone who sells it. But, what I would say - is that the bars are WELL worth the hassle to get your hands on. Seriously they are incredible. My favourite one is the "Wild What-A-Melon" but I love the Zuzu Dragon and Just breathe too. They have over a hundred scents, so there is endless options.

In each bar you get 8 blocks... I typically use one a day, but the scent will last all day.. 14 hours later you will still be thinking "wow that smells amazing" Each bar costs £5.50, but they typically have deals on... last time I bought them I got a 6 for £25 deal... which may seem a lot.. but I can honestly say they are SO worth it!

You can find your local consultant using the search bar here 

For a cheaper option I tend to go for Home Bargain's brand "Wickford & Co" there vanilla scent is the best one I have ever used.. especially the festive one.. I am so so excited about those ones coming back soon... I will be bulk buying them... and for 89p for 6 cubes, you can justify buying 10 packs at once. They also last for what feels like forever... the payoff is insane for the price.

For something a bit different, and typically festive I go for the US brand "Mainstays" which is typically available here on Amazon or on eBay. They are best for Gingerbread, Pumpkin Pie, just general rich smells.. if you love those types of smells considering picking up a pack of those.. again they come in a block of 6, and won't cost you more than £5 each. My favourite one for all year is the hazelnut cream.. its like a coffee shop. YUM

I should also note you can burn the typical yankee melts in the burners too, but they just won't last as long... which is upsetting. Still worth getting if you love certain kinds, the Aloe Water and the Lemon are my personal favourites.... ones I just cannot give up.. even if they don't last as long :)

Let me know if you use melts or candles? which ones are your favourites? I love how my home always smells amazing using these, and they are safe to leave if you are nipping out... or like me have a child running around! Have you tried Scentsy at all? Let me know in the comments below :)

 I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too) 


  1. Ohhh, my old housemates boyf bought me some wax melt things for my birthday. I need to get some more. I love candles and have a yankee one burning now, woo.

    Corinne x

  2. Ive been using my glade one with yankee melts and find they only last a while but will definitely pop into home bargains for those wickford & co ones!X

  3. I love candles, but at university I can't burn them so I recently got a wax melt and they are so much fun! I always put them on my birthday/christmas lists because they're so easy to pick up and usually on some sort of sale depending on where you look! :)
    x Kenzie //

  4. I have definitely noticed your love for candles over recent months haha :) Burners can be so convenient, right?! They particularly come in handy at Christmastime when there's nothing better than that 24/7 cinnamon scent!

  5. I love Scentsy and Mainstays too! They have such yummy scents :)

    Edye | Http://

  6. I can't wait to give the Wickford & Co vanilla scent a try, I adore vanilla scented candles! I got Yankee's Bunny Cake recently, it's so pretty on the outside and the inside and smells divine, like pudding :D I really want to try melts this autumn, I've gotta stock up! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

  7. Kate] Kate's Closet29 August 2016 at 21:18

    I love candles and melts I'm a sucker for anything vanilla xoxo

  8. I have a few candles but I never get around to burning them, it seems like a waste if I'm the only one smelling it! The melts look like they would be great decorations x

  9. I have so many candles all around the place, however I don't have any melts! 89 p for 6 is more appealing than £25 for 6 :)

    Ela BellaWorld


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