August Favourites

August is definitely my one of my favourite months, so my favourites were always going to be a little bit special this month, so let's see what has ended up being used and loved the most :) 

Changing from Candles to Melts.. & The Best Ones!

For a good 3-4 years now I have had a somewhat unhealthy obsession with candles... seriously check out my monthly empties, there is always loads I have used up each month.

But recently I have found myself looking for something more... then I came across the burner ...

SnapChat: Top 10 Accounts To Follow

Those of you who already follow me on snapchat know the snapchat obsession is REAL. Seriously I use it way too much. So I thought I would share my favourite people to follow.... but I thought it would mix it up a little.. so included is 5 "big" Beauty YouTuber/Bloggers & 5 smaller ones... keeping it real, and I love them all equally... just for totally different reasons. 

Seventeen Mega Matte Review + Swatches*

Seventeen has to be one of my favourite brands from the "Drugstore" seriously I talk about them all the time on my blog. So whenever they launch a new product I am first to boots to have a look.

They contacted me a few weeks ago now asking me if I would like to pick 3 colours from their new MEGA MATTE range, and wow was I excited to try them.. I only wear matte lipsticks, so this is the perfect launch for me. 

So I chose "Nude News", "Looking Buff" and "No Corals". When they arrived I then went to boots to check out the rest of the range in person... and well... this happened.

Sugar Baby Vita+Skin Sugar Scrub & Body Oil*

SugarBaby recently sent me these two items to try out, and wow am I impressed. They kindly sent me two products to try out... all the way from Australia, how cool. Hopefully they will turn me into some aussie surf babe huh? maybe not. But at least I smell like one :P

The Ride Or Die Tag

Jaclyn Hill created a Tag on her YouTube channel this week on her "Ride or Die" Products, After thinking about it for a few days I decided I would just see if any of my products have changed since my 2015 Favourites post, and turns out there has been a lot of changes.. so I thought I would show you my Ride or Die items.. the items I just cannot live without, the ones I would be happy using forever. Here goes...

LIQ CC Serum Light 15% Vitamin C Boost*

So over a month ago now LIQ C contacted me asking me if I would like to try their LIQ CC Light Serum, which is a Vitamin C Serum. It boasts anti ageing and protects against harmful environmental factors. So of course I said yes. I am getting really into skincare recently, especially as it can help with applying makeup flawlessly.

Back To School: 10 Things I'd Tell My 15 Year Old Self.

So today, 16th August 2016 my son starts P1. (First year of formal education here in Scotland) He is really excited, and so am I.. but it is still a very emotional day for both of us... new territory.

So I thought in celebration I would share with you 10 things I would tell my younger self.. Things I wish I had realised in school, despite my Mum's best efforts to tell me. I was so stubborn!

August Empties

Yet another empties post. I never get tired of these. I have used up a fair bit this month too, so hope you enjoy :) 

Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette Review + Swatches

Violet Voss Holy Grail Swatches Review

If I was to make a palette it would be this. 

You know when you see a palette and all you can think is "its the one" well this one is the one for me. LOVE at first sight. The perfect warm gold eye look. Cannot get enough of this one. 

August: Wishes and Regrets

It's wishlist time! I love writing these up and reading regrets people have had. So much fun, so here is mine for the month of August :)

How To Meal Plan & Still Be Spontaneous

At 25 I have finally discovered that nipping to Tesco every day for food is tedious and expensive... but I have also discovered that being very strict on the meal planning isn't for me too. Somehow the minute something is written down in stone that I need to be eating it... I somehow end up eating out, or hating the thought of it. I hate being tied down, I love options...

So here is what works for me, how I save money, how I do my weekly shop, and how I meal plan, without the planning.

Urban Decay Vice/Moondust Launch & Haul + SWATCHES

So Urban Decay turns 20 years old this year... and they celebrated with the only way a makeup brand should... with new products.

Real Technique Bold Metal Collection: Real Vs Fake/Dupe

I have seen brushes a lot recently, I have seen countless posts on the cheaper options and where to get them (eBay mainly) So out of curiousity I decided I needed to try them, I mean they look beautiful, so they must be good right? And at £5 it was worth a shot.

Boots/Clinique HAUL

It has been such a long time since I did a boots haul on here, but I was in Boots today and had vouchers to use - so I picked some bits up for myself off the Clinique counter.