MAC: A Mini Haul

MAC has to be my favourite counter, just so much of their collection is good.

So when debenhams run a promotion it's rude not to take part right? 

I was needing a few xmas presents, so making it up to over £50 was easy. 

First up was limited edition Please Me, soft Matte Pink - I have been looking at this for ages now, so it's shiney purple packaging sold me. 

Next was a tough choice Mehr, raved about by a few bloggers I wasn't convinced.. But since I have brought it home I have been obsessed, cannot get enough of this shade, perfect brown tone pink/mauve. 

Last was easy. I have had my eye on Tempting for my palette for so long now. Perfect brown shimmer, it's beautiful as a one wash of colour, or going all out.

So with these and a few extra bits, I got myself a £10 gift card courtesy of debenhams to spend before Christmas. Can never complain at getting money back! 

So let me know in the comments below your top picks right now, what would you use the £10 against? 



  1. _cupofteawithme_22 November 2015 at 09:11

    Plumful is a really gorgeous colour, but my favourite all time is Peach Blossom for everyday wear just love it x

    1. I had actually picked up both before I had gone for these two, they will definitely be part of my stash soon :)


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