1. LilyPebbles - Ok, so I have a serious thing for Lily, i've been slightly fan girling over her now for the past year. I first found her on YouTube, then found her blog, snapchat, instagram, twitter etc from there. I love how relatable she is, how honest. How you feel you are there with her, rather than being talked at, it just feels personal. Plus her photography, editing, lighting, vlogging and filming is completely on point. She is a joy to watch.
2. ViviannaDoesMakeup - Pretty much the same as above, Lily & Anna are a well known duo on youtube, hosting their monthly Beauty Chat Live videos (which I cannot miss, ever) They compliment each other perfectly.. and they are genuine friends, its lovely to see. I love how they are both relatable, and you really do feel as if they wouldn't endorse a product unless they genuinely loved it... you wont catch them lying to you over a couple of quid. But it does result in you wanting to spend £30 on a brush, £70 on oil etc.. but I must admit, they are always spot on with their product reviews!

3. BeccaRose - Becca has been quite quiet recently, buy I just love her style. I feel out of everyone she would be the one I would be able to go for juice and cake with, her little pug Rupert is the cutest thing ever too. She is the one who got me into beauty.. and showed me how to appreciate primark - so I cannot give her enough credit, I just wished she uploaded more. She has seemed so sad recently, not her usual self, so head on over and say hi, I promise she is worth following.
4. FleurDeForce - Fleur at first I hated, I couldnt stand her attitude, how much she disregarded spending several thousand on a handbag, but I just couldnt click unsubscribe.. I still remember watching her videos with dislike.. but still watching. Over the past 6 months I feel she has really changed, she has become humble, and sweet - I must admit I do like her, I enjoy watching her videos and she has recommended some brilliant products I just can't fault (like Ro's Argan). So yeah she is one of the first people now I opt to watch, give her a chance, I promise she will grow on you :)
5. KandeeJohnson - Ok so i'm sure everyone has heard of Kandee, she is totally cray cray, but damn that girl has skills. I have never seen anyone outside of RuPaul's drag race that can contour and minipulate make up as well as she can. Want proof? check out her Transformations, it will blow your mind. If she says a product is good.. you know its worth buying.
6. KathleenLights - Kathleen is just a bubble of fun, she is down to earth lovely, you know if you met her, you would want to go for cocktails and just have fun, she is sweet and funny.. I like to use her to keep in contact with America's beauty bloggers... I feel she is the best one across the pond, and leaves me waiting months on the same things to be released here!
7. ICovetThee - She is just lovely.. she is so softly spoken and her product reviews are fab, I could watch her videos all day.. espcially ones on skincare.
8. Shaaanxo - Shan is from NZ, she is quirky, sweet and full blown make up crazy, she hoards.. big time. But in an organised way of course. Her make up collection video is just completely crazy.. but it means she is amazing for Haul's and swatch videos... want to know about a new lipstick line launched? she has bought ALL the colours and there is a review and lip swatch up on her channel... well worth following if you love make up.
9. GigiGorgeous - I love GiGi, she is barbie. Blonde hair, big boobs, loves pink and all things sparkley... oh and she used to be a boy. She is open and honest about her transition, her surgeries and her life. Confident, beautiful... (seriously she is stunning). She is really wacky, and everytime she throws her favourites across the room I want to sob (expecially when it was the macbook), but she is infectious, cant get enough of her!
10. AmeliaLiana - Amelia is lovely, but i'm going to be mean here and say her voice is so annoying... but somehow that is alright, she just sounds so upbeat all the time... her enthusiasm for everything is infectious.
So these are my top 10, who do you think is missing? who do you love?

Pixiwoo and Lisa Eldridge! My top 10 would be very much the same, I would swap out gigi make up, becca rose, kandee Johnson and Amelia Liana with pixiwoo, Lisa Eldridge, Chloe Morello and Sharon Farrell!