July Favourites 2019

Goodbye July. 

This month has been a very non-makeup kind of month.. as in I haven't worn any... it has been too hot, and I've been too busy. I've been rocking my plain face for far too long, so I thought I would be upfront and share the products I have been loving this month... my best bits. 

1. Shay & Blue Blood Oranges* £55.00
I haven't stopped using this since it arrived, and I am so happy with it. I want to smell like this always, it is incredible. 

2. CYO All Cried Out Mascara £6.00
The only makeup I have used is the CYO mascara. This can hold it's own for a full 12.5hr shift in sweaty conditions - so I am massively impressed. Can see myself repurchasing this one again soon! 

3. Iolla Sunglasses 
Sunshine requires sunglasses. When you need glasses it is a complete pain in the arse, having to choose between sunglasses and contacts, or glasses and being unable to see in sunglasses. Then with prescription sunglasses, you have the issue of every time you go into a store you look like a d*ck for keeping them on to see. Welcome to clip on. Easily added and removed, I love my clip-on Murrays. 

4. Next Vase & Sunflowers 
I'm so happy I got my hand on the Vase. I've been checking it out for ages, it's stunning. I'm also so happy sunflowers are back in season too - they are my favourite by far.

5. The End of Placement 
Goodbye first year, hello Annual Leave... More on this on Sunday! 

6. Campervan 
I've not stopped telling my mum that we need to get a campervan. We borrowed my god mother's camper for our recent holiday and I LOVED it. It has upgraded our camping massively. A bed, a toilet, A TV to watch LOVE ISLAND?? YESSSSS. 

7. Alnwick Castle & Gardens 
This was just such an incredible day out. We did broomstick flying lessons, wand making, magic shows, we took a tour around the castle, then went for a walk through the gardens. It was such a good day out, and I'm so glad we went. Definitely recommend it if you are looking for a fantastic day out :) 

8. Working for MONEY
I'm now on the bank as a Health Care Assistant and I am so chuffed being able to work in the hospital and be paid a wage for it. It's also completely flexible with my university and placement so really it is ideal. I've picked up a good few shifts now and am really enjoying it. 

9. Love Island
I'm SO happy Amber won. She completely deserved it after all the shit she went through - and being completely incredible throughout. I'm excited for a winter one now too, but what do we all do at 9pm now? :( 

10. Pilea Peperomioides
Also known as a Chinese money plant - and I love them. I saw one at my last placement and was completely obsessed, I had never seen anything like it and just knew I needed one for myself. I seen one in Dobbies and was SO chuffed. It's now the pride of place amongst all my other houseplants :) 

What has been the highlight of your month? I would love to know! :) 


 *PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer

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