The blogging world has been quite the past month or so.
I feel like everyone has gone quiet, no one is here, like shouting into an abyss of nothingness. Typically hot weather brings a point where your posts are not viewed as much, fewer likes, and just generally less interaction. But it feels worse than it usually would, that there is so few of us, and those of us who are left are all feeling the same way, just deflated. It sucks to spend so much time doing something, and feeling like no one is looking at it.
I blame a lot of this on Instagram. I think we are mostly frustrated by it. It used to feel like a platform that would help us, encourage, inspire and grow us. Instead, it just seems to be dragging us down, making us miserable with the lack of growth and engagement. Everyone seems to be looking for stunning accounts with photographers taking photos of pretty clothing on people outside of pretty London houses or in fields. I just don't feel like I fit into that mould at all.
This paired with my after college, before exam results and overall position in life is proving to be tough. I am done studying, there is no more for me to do. But I don't know if I have passed or not... So I don't know if I will be going to uni, I don't know what is happening.
I was always worried about everything I was doing this year I would break. With college, work, the blog, parenting, I thought by Christmas I would have lost my mind. Turned out that feeling kicked in the minute my exams were over and I had nothing to do. Purpose gone, too much time. WHAT DO I DO.
Turns out the answer to that was not blogging. I had huge plans for focusing loads of time and energy into the blog once college was over, but I find I am neglecting it more than ever. I find myself with zero willpower to even write a post, and I this is the first time that has happened in 3 years of having the blog.
So yeah, I thought I would explain why I haven't been on as much, where I am at, and why occasionally there will be no post. I need to get the bug back, and once I do I will be back better than ever.
As for outside of the blog, I'm the same. Just trying to figure out myself again and what I want to do with my summer.
So I am sorry if you were looking for grand words of wisdom at the end of this post, it is no help, as I am as lost as ever.
Have you ever felt a bit blogging deflated? Let me know, and how you got over it.
COMMENTS: I LOVE receiving comments, and I read every single one. I really am SO grateful for every comment you leave on my blog, but commenting "Thanks!" for every comment seems false to me. So, instead please consider the "Thanks" as a given, and if you have any questions or comments I will answer ASAP. Instead of replying to all comments, I will check out your content instead, after all, this is a community. So please feel free to leave your own link as a signature!
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I would love it if you could leave a comment, I love reading them! I also love it when you leave your own blog links so I can go check them out too - But please make sure your clickable link is working - or I do need to delete the comment :(