At the time of this post going live, my exams are officially over - and I am FREE for the summer. Free of revision, learning, stress. EEEEEEEEE there are no words to describe how excited I am for the pressure to be off, to sit back and watch TV, to read a book, to gaze at my ceiling all day just because I CAN.
So I thought I would take the time to talk about all the things I want to do this summer, or the things I have been putting off since September because I wasn't able to do them due to feeling horrendously guilty for not studying.
1. READ. Oh my goodness, I am so excited to read a book. It's been way too long. Top of my list is Jojo Moyes Still Me, but I also plan on re-reading (for the 10+ time) the Dark Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon - because they are my favourites.
2. WATCH. Love Island. It starts on the 4th June and I am SO excited. That along with endless TV shows I want to binge watch on Netflix, I could be here all day going through all the shows I want to watch. But I am taking recommendations so if you have loved anything recently let me know!
3. BLOG. I have seriously been neglecting the blog recently, and I cannot wait to get scheduled, think of new fun ideas, switch them up and just completely love it again. I want it to feel fun, enjoy it completely.
4. INSTAGRAM. I need to start actually using it again, I want to get back into stories and really loving my feed again. I want to feel proud of my content and look forward to using it.
5. RUN. I hate talking about exercising, but at the same time, I cannot deny I want to become fitter. Running is playing a big part of that at the moment. I want to be able to run without breathing out my arse and stopping every 5 minutes, but that will come :)
6. EXPLORE. I want to see more, I want to do more, I want to take day trips around Scotland. I want to go on our holiday to Tenerife and do Siam Park with AJ, go on all the rides and have an amazing time just loving life - I want to feel like we have done it all.
7. CLEAN. This is a weird one, I hate cleaning usually, but I have spent 9 months putting off clearing out my house properly, and I am actually excited to clean. I want to have my flat sparkling, I want it to be organised and looking good.
8. PARENT. I have so missed spending loads of time with AJ, sure I parent him all year, but I have missed spending full days with him, spending quality time together and just hanging out with him properly. The hot weather definitely makes trips to the park a lot nicer too.
9. PHOTOGRAPHY. The longer I have my camera the more interested in photography I become. I want to go out and spend hours at a location in search of the perfect picture, I want to spend hours on Lightroom editing. I want to love what I do.
10. SELF-CARE. I think I have realised this month that I have not been taking the care of my mental health as I should, so I just want to find myself again, find what makes me happy and what I just LOVE doing. I want to do things that make me happy, get me excited. I want to take the time for myself and enjoy it. Face masks, colouring in, haircuts, you name it - I want to do it.
I am SO excited for summer now, what are you most looking forward to? Let me know in the comments below!
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