May Favourites 2018

Another Month, Another Favourites. 

This month has been a crazy month, with exams and college, so there are fewer favourites than usual because I simply haven't had the time to enjoy anything with the impending doom of my exams. I do hope you still enjoy reading about the products I have enjoyed using this month.

May Skincare Saviours

Another month, another roundup for skincare.

This month has been SO stressful, think exams, work, parenting. I have been a terrible blogger, and terrible with a decent skincare routine. I really need to up my game again but I still thought I would shade all the things I have been loving this month..

Kick Ass Cleansers (That Will Remove ALL Your Makeup)

There is something incredible about finding a cleanser which is capable of removing everything from a light base -  to lash glue, liner and waterproof mascara. They sit on the top level of bass-ass skincare in my opinion, the products that you know can remove anything and everything, the ones you think of while applying glue to your eyelids and think "ach it's fine... will remove it"

When The Exams Are Over

At the time of this post going live, my exams are officially over - and I am FREE for the summer. Free of revision, learning, stress. EEEEEEEEE there are no words to describe how excited I am for the pressure to be off, to sit back and watch TV, to read a book, to gaze at my ceiling all day just because I CAN. 

So I thought I would take the time to talk about all the things I want to do this summer, or the things I have been putting off since September because I wasn't able to do them due to feeling horrendously guilty for not studying. 

Too Faced Peach Collection Arrives At Debenhams! (At Last)

The Collection I have waited for AGES for... 

Anyone who has this palette will know, I have been wanting it for AGES. The reasons why I hadn't bought it yet comes down to 1. Refusing to pay shipping to buy directly from Too Faced, and 2. I live in Dundee, Scotland. MILES away from the London flagship store (A whopping 466 to be exact) 

So when Too Faced FINALLLYYYYY launched the Peach collection on Debenhams it was in my basked and check out before they could say it was in stock. GIMME THE PEACHES. 

National Smile Month With Janina (AD)

*Sponsored Content.

Did you know National #SmileMonth runs from 14th May – 14th June 2018 and raises awareness for good oral health and care? Janina are looking to impact smiles across the nation and have an impact on oral hygiene while improving self confidence too - with a sparkly smile.

Janina has been my go-to toothpaste now for over 6 months. You can check out the first post I did with them here. I just seem to always pick up another tube with them. Their formula is affective yet not overly harsh, which I really enjoy.

Pixi Beauty: Lash & Line Love*

Say hello to Pixi's eye collection.

I have been loving trying out pixi recently, their products are seriously impressing me, and I am loving their formulas and packaging. Most recently they sent me the Lash & Line Love to try. Within there was lots of liners, a mascara primer and mascara. Lots of new goodies to try out. 

It's All About Apple + Matching CaseApp Cases*

MacBook, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch 

An obsession with Apple is something people either completely relate to, or find completely repulsive. I know I have an issue, there is no need for me to own so many, but at the same time, they bring me so much joy and ease in life. Even if I feel like a complete douche with all my apple products. 

The typical issue with Apple is that other manufacturers create the same - if not better technology for less money - I won't deny that in the slightest, in fact, I agree whole-heartedly. BUT, does it stop me buying from them? No. Does it stop me wanting a new phone? No. Maybe I'm brainwashed - but I'm happy with my overpriced apple products. 

Foreo Mini 2 Sonic Face Brush Review*

Have you ever seen anything more beautifully yellow! 

Seriously, it does fill my heart with glee seeing something so bright and cheery every morning - starting the day off right every time. 

The Foreo Mini 2 is a sonic face brush designed to add that extra level of intensity to your typical cleansing routine. Consider this the game changer of your usual de-clogging of your pores. The sonic pulse helps to bring any impurities to the surface and leave your skin perfectly clear for your next skincare step. 

CND Vinylux Long Wear Polish - Summer 2018 Collection*


There is an eyelash in this photo and it is driving me utterly bonkers. Please ignore it, because I cannot, and I don't have time to retake. *cries* 

CND Vinylux has to be the longest wearing polish I have tried in a long time. I LOVE the formula of these, and they just apply beautifully. 

A yellow shade can be incredibly hard to get right especially, and this one is a pastel yellow too. But this formula is pigmented and non-fuss. With two coats (and an application of top coat) my nails are completely opaque and non-streaky. The purple is equally beautiful. 

The Purple shade is Gummi (£6.95), a pale, pastel purple, bright enough to stand out, and will make your tan just pop. This to me is my ideal summer shade. The Yellow is Jellied (£6.95), the perfect pale yellow. And you know I love a yellow. This one will not be for everyone, but if you love a yellow this is the best one I have tried - without a doubt. 

Also within the collection is a pale blue, and a pastel pink. Overall, just the perfect summer nail collection. You can pick up the full set here  (£24.96)

You do need to pick up one of their Top Coats (£6.95) to use with the Vinylux range, but this just ensures your nail varnish will stay on for a week without chipping - rather than a few hours. 

What is your go to summer nail shade? I would love to know - let me know in the comments below! :)


 *These items were sent to me for review but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!) 

PLEASE NOTE: Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't affect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :) 

COMMENTS: I LOVE receiving comments, and I read every single one. I really am SO grateful for every comment you leave on my blog, but commenting "Thanks!" for every comment seems false to me. So, instead please consider the "Thanks" as a given, and if you have any questions or comments I will answer ASAP. Instead of replying to all comments, I will check out your content instead, after all, this is a community. So please feel free to leave your own link as a signature!

Trying More From Elemental Herbology*

One For the Favourites....

Elemental Herbology has been a brand on my loves list for a long time now. Their gentle yet effective approach to skincare is right up my street - and my skin seems to completely love it.

I have spoken about them previously in this post, but my love for them is growing with every product I try from them - So I thought I would share with you the products I have tried recently.

The Spring Beauty Edit

I can feel the weather getting warmer, and wow it it nice. 

*please note, I wrote this post 2 very large glasses of wine down. Enjoy.

It feels incredible to be getting to the point where I am considering the warmer days to come, I am so so ready to break out the dresses and fake tan my pale skin, so I thought I would share with you the makeup currently in my line up! :)