WHAT'S NEW: Collective Haul

So I have picked up a few new bits over the past few weeks which I have really been enjoying using, so thought I would share with you in a mini haul/first impressions post.

Some are high end, some straight from superdrug, so there is something for everyone... oh and there is a few new releases too!

1. Loreal True Match Highlighter (£7.99) - I cannot find this anywhere online - sorry! But it is available in most stores (boots and superdrug) I LOVE it. Seriously this is a pale girl dream, perfect white/silver tone highlight which gives a sheen to your skin, I would say I actually prefer this to Jeffree Star Ice Cold... it is very similar in tone, but I find this easier to work with. For those of you who are horrified by a white highlight, it also comes in a stunning gold tone. Definitely worth keeping an eye out for. 

2. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in "Diffused  Light" (£40.00) - The price of these is truly horrifying... luckily I had a £10 off voucher, which made it discounted enough for me to finally try it. I must say it isn't a NEED product, but it is lovely to use in my routine. I love to use it more as a setting finish to my makeup - a princess purchase! 

3.Urban Decay Colour Correctors (Pink) (£17.50) - I have been waiting on these being released in the UK for what feels like forever now, and I must say it does not disappoint. Beautiful texture and just hides my dark circles perfectly. Perfect little addition to my routine for a more flawless finish. I use it under my foundation and concealer, it just helps to hide the dullness to my shattered under eyes lol. 

4. Maybelline Lip Paint in "Never Bare"* (£4.99) - This was sent to me through BzzAgent, but I am really liking the formula. Tati loves them, and as they have been out in the US now for a few months they have been all over YouTube, definitely worth picking up - as they are a perfect dupe to the Too Faced Melted Lipsticks - so the wear and comfort of these are fab.

5. Estee Lauder Lip Liner in Currant (£18.00) - ok ill be the first to admit it is a ridiculous price for a pencil. BUT, I just love this formula.. so so much. I actually got this a month ago now - but only just had the chance to start using it (check out my autumn lipstick post here) I just love autumn so much :) 

So this is everything I have picked up recently, what things have you been purchasing? Have you seen or got any of my bits? Let me know in the comments below :) 

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  1. Raquel Labaredas6 September 2016 at 11:37

    Can't wait to get my hands on those correctors from UD! I love the concealers to death! =) xx
    Pink Ivory É·

  2. Shireen L. Platt6 September 2016 at 15:32

    I finally tested the Too Faced Melted lipstick and found it to be good but not sure if I'm willing to spend for it. I'll check out the Maybelline ones, I love good dupes. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  3. True Match Highlighter sounds a dream for pale faced gals! I'll have to have a nosy in Boots. Thanks for the share lovely xo
    Jen | Giveaway | Velvet Spring

  4. The lip paint shade is so pretty!

    Beauty Candy Loves

  5. Kate] Kate's Closet6 September 2016 at 19:21

    I would love the hourglass ambient lighting powder its stunning xoxo

  6. I love the Color Jolts, Stripped Down is my favorite but I want to pick up Never Bare as well! I remember seeing swatches of those L'Oreal highlighters and they looked so impressive x


  7. i love that hourglass powder for setting my under eyes! and that pink corrector is amazing!!!!!!

  8. The L'oreal highlighter is so lovely!! Can't wait to get my hands on that, definitely need a good drugstore highlighter
    Kathy x

  9. I've always wanted to try something from Hourglass but have never - definitely need to look into this highlighter though, looks so dreamy!

    Hayley xo

  10. Jasmine Stewart8 September 2016 at 20:06

    I'm really tempted by the new L'Oreal highlighters... I got one of the UD correctors in New York and was just running low so I'm glad they've released them in the UK :)

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  11. Class and Glitter9 September 2016 at 14:16

    The UD correctors looks amazing!

    Parie x

  12. That UD corrector looks amazing! Unfortunately they are not available in my country!
    Katerina xx

  13. Jennifer - Barely There Beauty11 September 2016 at 18:22

    Beautiful picks, I want to pick up every one! Although I might have to give the L'Oreal highlighter a miss.. I swatched it instore and it looked a bit crazy on my olivine skin tone! It's great that the drugstore is getting options for all skin tones now though

    www.Barely There Beauty.com | British Beauty & Lifestyle blog



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