December Favourites 2019

 *This Post Contains Gifted Products & Affiliate Links 

How is it the end of another year? 

The last month of the year, so it makes sense to share everything I have been loving the past month... 

1. Shay & Blue Black Tulip* £55.00 Full Post Here
Absolutely loving this scent, it is incredible. Such a sexy deep fragrance - perfect for this time of year. I have found myself reaching for this one constantly since it arrived - very highly recommend picking this one up! 

2. Dermalogica SkinPerfect Primer* £46.50 Full Post Here 
This is such an incredible primer. I had stopped using it and completely forgotten how good it was in filling pores and just making your skin appear smoother and maintaining your foundation for longer. I'm running out of this one - so a repurchase may be needed!  

3. Essie "Under Wraps" £7.99
The perfect Christmassy sparkley shade. I LOVE the shimmer and shine to this one - perfect for this time of year. Essie is definitely my favourite nail varnish brand too, it's incredible. Get this shade while you can too - it's limited edition. 

4. Tony's Chocolonely 
I especially love the Salted Caramel one... but to be honest I would be happy with any of them. The chocolate is incredible - SO good. Plus it's ethically made and produced - so makes me feel better about my chocolate consumption too! 

5. Klean Kanteen Lemon Curry 20oz Vacuum Insulated Bottle £27.95
This bottle is AMAZING. I still had frozen ice chips in my bottle a whopping 26 hours after I put them there. Without a doubt the best bottle I now own and would recommend to anyone - worth the cost! 

6. Annual Leave
I like placement, and I like going to university - but I LOVE time off and getting to sit on my couch doing nothing - well playing sims. PERFECTION. 

7. SIMS 4: Seasons + University
I love the sims, so so much. Sure every time I play it I loose about 12 hours from my life - but I feel like it's well wasted. I love putting them through hell, watching them respond to my every whim and getting to make them incredible homes and have lots of dogs. It's GREAT! 

I LOVED this. Such an incredible family day out. AJ loved it, I loved it, my Mum loved it. A winner all round. The lanterns were beautiful - such amazing designs, and they were HUGE! So many of them too - well worth a trip there if you can!

9. Scorpion 
Oh, I had forgotten how much I loved this show. I like to stop watching at the end of season 3 - I just find that should have been the ending, but I love it all up to this point. The characters are incredible, and I love the concept. Available on Netflix. 

How can I do this post without discussing my love of all the Christmas Movies this year?? I have LOVED watching as many as I could - the cheesier the better in my opinion! Check out my post if you haven't already! 

What have you been loving this month? 


 *PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer 

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