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Happy Easter Weekend Everyone!
I so love an excuse to change up my theme! I do hope you are enjoying the change over on instagram for this week - you can check it out here. Mini Eggs everywhere.
These just scream spring to me, so I thought I would share them with you all - as its been a long time since I had done a nail varnish post.
I know there is no blue mini egg, but I don't like white nail varnish... so we are compromising - and this one was too pretty to leave out. Barry M Blueberry is the perfect not too pastel but not bright wither shade. Totally different, and perfect for this time of year.
I really am not the biggest fan of pink ever, so having a blush nude pink shade is right up my street. Loreal 221 is exactly that. Warm toned perfection - and the perfect pink for those of us who don't love pink.
Everyone knows by now that yellow is just the best colour ever - well I think so anyways. So of course there just had to be a yellow in here. Barry M Lemonade is a pretty pastel yellow ready for spring daffodils and sunshine. I love yellow on nails - it's pretty.
Essie Dress Call is probably my most used of these all year. This purple is so flattering on the nails, I find myself reaching for it all the time - plus the gel finish is perfect for a longlasting finish.

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