NEW IN: Magnitone XOXO Micro Sonic Cleansing Brush + AntiBacterial WipeOut Clothes*

*Gifted Items 
New In Tools To Invest In

The Magnitone Wipe Out cloth is already heavily recommended by me. I LOVE them. Can never seem to wash mine quick enough, so I am SO excited to have some more. Then there is the new XOXO micro sonic cleansing brush - which is brand spanking new, and I was very excited to give it a go. 

X O X O   M I C R O - S O N I C   C L E A N S I N G   B R U S H  
Purchase here for £40.00 

This is such a good little cleansing tool. The vibrations help to really clear up any impurities stuck in your pores, I find this especially useful around my nose area where it is more difficult to remove makeup. This helps to really cleanse your skin. I use mine with a cleansing cream as a second cleanse. I also use this in the morning to really clean my skin before makeup. 

I definitely prefer cleansing with a silicone brush to a fibre one, simply for hygiene purposes. I feel like I can really clean one like this after use - which I really like. No issue with needing to repurchase heads either. Just keep clean and continue to use. This also comes with a USB charging cable - so you don't need to worry about batteries either. 

With Micro-Sonic technology and non-replaceable, naturally antibacterial PurO Silicone, this super-soft cleansing brush will cleanse deep, brighten and soften skin, for a more radiant, healthy glow.

1. Ultra-Soft daily cleansing to help balance skin and control breakouts. Perfect for sensitive skin.
2. 8000 Micro-Sonic Pulsations p/min gets deep, under skin’s surface, where hands can’t dislodge trapped impurities
3. 3 zones - for different skin areas or types oily/normal, dry/sensitive, massage.

W I P E O U T   A N T I B A C T E R I A L   C L E A N S I N G   C L O T H 
Purchase here for £20.00 

Now, I already love these. So now that they are now antibacterial, it's only a bonus for me. They have also slightly lowered in overall price with the new three pack. To the point, I might just need to get myself another three pack so I don't need to use any other cloth - because they are THAT good. They just feel so soft, yet remove your makeup beautifully. 

The shape and size is also perfect for use. They are rectangular, long enough for two hands to use on your face at once, its hard to explain, but trust me when I say this - it works beautifully. 

Although I really wouldn't ever use or recommend using them with only water (like they claim) - with a cleanser, it will have your makeup off in no time. They just make removing your makeup a pleasure, they feel soft, hold warmth, and work perfectly. 

I've already recommended these countless times, and I doubt I will be stopping anytime soon. 

WipeOut! - the Amazing MicroFibre Cleansing Cloth that will remove even the toughest, long-wear and oil-based makeup, with JUST WARM WATER! Now with Antibacterial protection
1. Warm Water Only - No cleanser needed
2. Antibacterial Microfibres - for skin protection
3. Quick Drying - Perfect for travel
4. Reusable 1000 Times (Machine Washable at 30℃)
5. Grab & Hold Microfibres - Even removes long-wear and oil-based makeup!
6. Eco-Friendly (No more wipes in landfill...)
7. Smearproof & Double Sided - No residue

Overall, I have loved these new launches from Magnitone. The brand seems to constantly impress me. If you haven't tried these yet - you really should. I am sure you will not be disappointed. 

Have you tired these yet? Would you?


*PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer 

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