Those of you who have seen my monthly empties post will know how many candles I go through every month. Yes I am addicted. It's rediculous, and there is no need to use that many... but I do. I like the way it makes my house feel, cosy... then the smell of just amazing.

In an attempt to get me off the candles the girls at Yankee suggested the wax melts. They promised that they would last me just as long as the jars, give a better smell and be better value for money. I was up for giving it a go at least. 5 wax melts will set you back around £7, which to me was ideal, plus no chance of getting fed up of the same scents.

So Far I must say I am impressed, the smell is incredible, and will really fill your home the minute it starts to melt..
what I would say is if you do reattempt to burn it once it has melted, do not expect the same smell pay off... and cleaning it is pretty sucky too - but overall worth the hassle, and I really am enjoying them.
Have you tried them out before? let me know your thoughts (and your favourites)
I am using Gingerbread Maple at the moment, I also purchased: Cosy by the fire, Vanilla Bourbon, Christmas Memories and Pain Au Raisin (Can you tell I am totally ready for Autumn/winter?)
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